Summary :
Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 125 is titled “The Power of the Shadow Monarch.” In this chapter, Sung Jinwoo, also known as the Shadow Monarch, continues his journey to become the strongest hunter in the world. He travels to China to meet with the Chinese Hunting Authority to discuss the larger threat he warned them about in previous chapters.
Jinwoo arrives in China and meets the head of the Chinese Hunting Bureau, Li Jin-Woo. Li is initially skeptical of Jinwoo, but is convinced of Jinwoo’s strength and determination. Jinwoo tells Li about a bigger threat and that the hunters of the world must work together to defeat it.
Li agrees to work with Jinwoo, and the two begin formulating a plan. They decide to start by gathering information about the larger threat and identifying its weaknesses.
Meanwhile, the other hunters of the world are also preparing for the upcoming battle. They are all aware of the threat that Jinwoo warned them about and are determined to do everything to defeat it.
Jinwoo then travels to Russia to meet with the Russian Hunting Bureau. He also meets with the hunting offices of other countries such as India, Brazil and South Africa. Jinwoo convinces all the hunting agencies to work together to defeat the greater threat.
After meeting with all the hunting offices, Jinwoo returns to Korea. He meets with Cha Hae-In and tells her about his plan. Hae-In is impressed with Jinwoo’s plan and agrees to help him.
Jinwoo then gathers his Shadow Soldiers and tells them of a bigger threat. He tells them that they must be ready to fight for the future of the world.
Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 125 is a well-written and exciting chapter. It is interesting to see how Jinwoo cooperates with hunting agencies from all over the world. It’s also exciting to see Jinwoo’s Shadow Soldiers preparing for the upcoming battle.
The chapter also builds tension well. The reader is left wondering when and where the bigger threat will strike. The reader also wonders how Jinwoo and the other hunters will defeat her.
Overall, Solo Leveling Chapter 125 is a well-written and exciting chapter that is sure to please fans of the manga series.